“One King Too Many” part 2 – The Rebel President

*originally broadcast September 2023*

When I was in 11th grade I studied American History. My teacher categorized the entire class according to the presidents in office at the time we were studying. To my surprise, when we got to 1861, she acknowledged two American presidents: Abraham Lincoln, of course, but also Jefferson Davis. I was shocked. But her perspective was that half of the American people at the time looked to Mr. Davis as their president, and he was the chief executive of a functioning government on American soil. It was the only time in history when two American presidents were in office simultaneously, and it was against the backdrop of the bloodiest war in America’s history. Can the outcome be that different now, when more than half the nation considers the real President to reside outside the White House? Welcome to Something’s Happening Here, and today’s show called “The Rebel President.”
