“The Holiday About Love” part 3 – Is Erotic Love in the Bible?

What a show title, right? “Is Erotic Love in the Bible?” For our Valentine’s Day show, we explore the titillating topic of Eros, the physical love between lovers. Spoiler alert: Yes, this type of love is present in the Bible, though the Greek word on which it is based, eros, is not. What does the absence of the word eros in Scripture tell us about the use and abuse of erotic love in the sight of God? Today’s show will be a fun one, thanks for joining us. Also – did you see yesterday’s show? It wasn’t in the usual places. It was an off-format show available only to the members of our community at somethingshappeninghere.locals.com. Tomorrow’s show will be the same, but that one will be paywalled, available only to our Supporters on Locals. Thanks for spending your Valentine’s Day with us at Something’s Happening Here.
