“Not Your Parents’ Planet Earth” part 1 – Fighting Racism With Racism

I grew up in one of the most racially diverse places in America. I was taught at an early age and believe to this day that treating people differently because of their skin is wrong and ignorant. Imagine my surprise, then, when I was called a racist for repeating the dream of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., that people should be judged based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin! But the world has changed since Dr. King shared his dream with us, hasn’t it? Today on Something’s Happening Here, we look at this modern phenomenon of “Fighting Racism With Racism” as we begin our week-long acknowledgment that this is “Not Your Parents’ Planet Earth” anymore. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Welcome to Episode Seven of our Season Four.
