“Demonic Lawfare” part 1 – The Lawfare Against Trump is Bad, But Even Worse is What’s Still to Come in Prophecy

Today on Something's Happening Here we are beginning our week-long discussion about the concept of “lawfare.” But it's not going to be what you think it's going to be, because Something's Happening Here is in the middle of a big transition, as I mentioned in previous weeks. We have a lot of format changes coming up and we're a little bit precarious about how we are going to be proceeding in the future. So this week we have a little bit of both the old format and the new format, and I want you to be aware of what's coming. We're starting out with current events: what's going on with the presidential election?; how have the courts been weaponized for political purposes? But then we are going to move on beyond that for our second show on Wednesday and our third show on Friday, so we’ll eventually be talking about the role of lawfare in the soon return of Jesus Christ. Thank you for tuning into the show. May God bless you, and welcome.
