“Superman or Bizarro-man?” part 4 – When This Mortal Shall Put On Immortality

S4E03-4 Superman or Bizarro-man "When This Mortal Shall Put On Immortality" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. The Blessed Hope that remains for the redeemed in Christ is a hope that cannot be taken from us – the promise of the return of Jesus Christ! The Lord promised us, “If I go to prepare a place …

“Superman or Bizarro-man?” part 3 – Meth and the WWII Supersoldiers

S4E03-3 Superman or Bizarro-man "Meth and the WWII Supersoldiers" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Did you know that amphetamines debuted into the world right around the same time as WWII? Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction, and the strange story of “Meth and the WWII Supersoldiers” is strong evidence of that claim. It turns out …

“Superman or Bizarro-man?” part 2 – The Giants of Old

S4E03-2 Superman or Bizarro-man "The Giants of Old" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. The desire to become something greater than we are is an idea as old as time; so while Elon Musk’s Neuralink may appear to be completely new, it’s really just the newest manifestation of the oldest idea on earth. So where did …

“Superman or Bizarro-man?” part 1 – Neuralink’s First Human Recipient

S4E03-1 Superman of Bizarro-man "Neuralink’s First Human Recipient" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. This week on Something’s Happening Here, we start with Elon Musk (again), who has just interfaced a human brain with a computer for the first time using his new Neuralink technology. But by studying this, we’re just beginning a week-long conversation about …

“Marx and the Church” part 5 – Can A.I. Be Trained in Marxism?

S4E02-5 Marx and the Church "Can A.I. Be Trained in Marxism?" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Okay, despite the title of today’s show, no one is claiming to be training artificial intelligence in Marxism. (At least not yet.) But as we’ll see today on Something’s Happening Here, some are experimenting with training A.I. in certain …

“Marx and the Church” part 4 – The Virtue-Signal of Victimhood

S4E02-4 Marx and the Church "The Virtue-Signal of Victimhood" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. How did this happen? It is well documented that Christianity was instrumental in the downfall of the Soviet Union; how did it become the victim of Marxism just one generation later? Now that we’ve really discussed the dangers of Marxism in …

“Marx and the Church” part 3 – The Gospel According to Marx

S4E02-3 Marx and the Church "The Gospel According to Marx" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. It has become increasingly popular in certain circles over the past few years to recognize that Marxism and all its downstream ideologies are, at their core, faith systems; so we’re not going to reinvent the wheel on today’s show, “The …

“Marx and the Church” part 2 – The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil?

S4E02-2 Marx and the Church "The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil?" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Today’s show title, “The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil?” refers to the article we will discuss today; but it also gets to the heart of the conflict between Christianity and Marxist ideology: it …

“Marx and the Church” part 1 – It’s Marx’s World. We’re Just Living in It.

S4E02-1 Marx and the Church "It’s Marx’s World. We’re Just Living in It." from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. I recently let myself get sucked into an online discussion in the comments section underneath one of my videos on social media. (This is nearly always a mistake…) Though it started about the topic in my video, …

“On the Eve of Something Big” part 5 – A.I. Jailbreak!

S4E01-5 Eve of Something Big "A.I. Jailbreak!" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Uh-oh. Can one A.I. teach another A.I. to ignore or break its own programming? And if so, what does that mean for humanity’s ability to control this technology and prevent The Terminator from becoming reality? For the first A.I. Update of Season Four, …

“On the Eve of Something Big” part 4 – Hunter and the Impeachment Inquiry

S4E01-4 Eve of Something Big "Hunter and the Impeachment Inquiry" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. There’s been quite a bit of drama since our last update on the ongoing impeachment inquiry into president Joe Biden. Not much of it has advanced the impeachment process, however. On today’s show, “Hunter and the Impeachment Inquiry,” we will …

“On the Eve of Something Big” part 3 – Same-Sex Nativity and Papal Blessings

S4E01-3 Eve of Something Big "Same-Sex Nativity and Papal Blessings' from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. You may have heard that Pope Francis recently declared that Catholic priests can bless same-sex unions under certain circumstances, and shortly thereafter a priest in Italy erected a nativity scene featuring two women caring for the baby Jesus. Are those …

“On the Eve of Something Big” part 2 – The ‘Conversion’ of Lil Nas X

S4E01-2 Eve of Something Big The ‘Conversion’ of Lil Nas X from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Now, I don’t know this dude from anyone else on earth and I couldn’t identify one of his songs if I had to, but today’s show will be the second time this performer’s antics have warranted mention on this …

“On the Eve of Something Big” part 1 – The Trump Train 2024

S4E01-1 Eve of Something Big "The Trump Train 2024" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. How could we premier a new season without mentioning the historic win by former President Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses last week? American corporate media immediately entered a tailspin, as we’ll see on today’s show, as it became unmistakably clear …

“One King Too Many” part 5 – God Warned Us About Wicked Kings

S3E05-5 One King Too Many “God Warned Us About Wicked Kings” from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. All week long on this re-broadcast episode of Something’s Happening Here, we’ve been looking at modern, historical, and Scriptural examples of rival kings and leaders being in power at the same time, and the chaos that always, inevitably follows. …