Circling the Drain – Running on Empty

S3E02-1 Circling the Drain "Running on Empty" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. A quote attributed to Ernest Hemingway goes like this: “How did you go bankrupt?” “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” You and I are living through a clear societal decline in the Western world, by many metrics, for many reasons; and many may wonder …

Inventors of Evil – Seeing Isn’t Believing

S3E01-5 Inventors of Evil "Seeing Isn’t Believing" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Perhaps never before have we had the same opportunity to understand why God enshrined into His eternal law the idea that we are not to bear false witness. Often this command is reduced to “do not lie,” and okay that’s fine, but “bearing …

Inventors of Evil – Money Money Money Money … MONEY!

S3E01-4 Inventors of Evil from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Remember Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? In the 80s, we liked to peek into the lives of those who were far wealthier than we, for some reason. It was the culture of the time, Greed Is Good, and we institutionalized this envy into a popular …

Inventors of Evil – Not Just Dazed and Confused

S3E01-3 Inventors of Evil from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. When I was growing up, I recall watching a video in high school health class about the dangers of using heroin. A teenager, very straight-laced, was peer-pressured into trying heroin just one time, and it killed him. Therefore, the lesson was, avoid it at all costs, …

Inventors of Evil – You Are Not Your Own

S3E01-2 Inventors of Evil from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. You Are Not Your Own The Bible literally says “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,” and yet in our world today we see self-hatred all over the place! Today on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the phenomenon of …

Ground Zero “Inventors of Evil”

S3E01-1 Inventors of Evil from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Season Three begins this week! We are looking at various new evils that plague the world today as we try to understand what it means to be an “inventor of evil.” We’re back for Season Three and we’re battling the devil head-on! Today on Something’s Happening …