“Not Your Parents’ Planet Earth” part 1 – Fighting Racism With Racism

S4E07-1 Not Your Parents’ Planet Earth "Fighting Racism With Racism" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. I grew up in one of the most racially diverse places in America. I was taught at an early age and believe to this day that treating people differently because of their skin is wrong and ignorant. Imagine my surprise, …

“Behold the Power of God” part 5 – He is Master Over Binary Code

S4E06-5 Behold the Power of God "He is Master Over Binary Code" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we’re tying together our opening theme – God’s power over computers as well as people – with our typical Friday format, the AI Update. We’ll look at a recent story which, to the …

“Behold the Power of God” part 4 – Babylon Knows That He Means What He Says

S4E06-4 Behold the Power of God "Babylon Knows That He Means What He Says" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Happy leap day, friends! And happy birthday to those of you who only get one birthday every four years. This is your day, live it up! But don’t forget to join the rest of us on …

“Behold the Power of God” part 3 – He Builds Where He Sees Fit

S4E06-3 Behold the Power of God "He Builds Where He Sees Fit" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. I’ve mentioned in the past that my family lineage in America stretches back four hundred years, all the way to the Mayflower. I love this land of my ancestors for four centuries. And many of us who love …

“Behold the Power of God” part 2 – He Defeats the Impenetrable

S4E06-2 Behold the Power of God "He Defeats the Impenetrable" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. In 2009, President Obama declared that certain large financial institutions were “too big to fail,” by which he meant too important to be allowed to fail. He said this not because they really couldn’t fail, but acknowledging that they actually …

“Behold the Power of God” part 1 – God’s Humble Servant, Facebook

S4E06-1 Behold the Power of God "God’s Humble Servant, Facebook" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Today is the day that the Lord has made, friends! And I will rejoice and be glad in it! We at Something’s Happening Here have been under the burden of some cyber-malfeasance for many months now, but God is good …

“God Removes King and Raises Up Kings” part 5 – Downfall of the A.I. King

S4E05-5 God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. No, not the “King of A.I.,” but rather, the “A.I. King.” On our final show of the week, Something’s Happening Here will look at some parallels between the downfall of pompous human leaders and the state of things in the world of …

“God Removes King and Raises Up Kings” part 4 – Peace Through Strength (Allegedly)

S4E05-4 God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings "Peace Through Strength (Allegedly)" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. We can’t claim to take a prophetic view of a current event and not spend some time in Daniel chapter 11! Regular viewers of this show know that I believe Daniel 11 is prophecy for right now, and …

“God Removes King and Raises Up Kings” part 3 – Narcissism and Worm Food

S4E05-3 God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings "Narcissism and Worm Food" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. God promises to humble the exalted, and exalt the humbled, and has provided many instances of doing such throughout time. Therefore it’s always shocking to see professed believers in political leadership who exalt themselves anyway, and who inevitably …

“God Removes King and Raises Up Kings” part 2 – The Insanity of Hubris

S4E05-2 God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings "The Insanity of Hubris" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Did you know that I am an eyewitness of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in New York City? It’s true. I was one of those hundreds of thousands of people you saw on tv fleeing downtown on …

“God Removes King and Raises Up Kings” part 1 – Biden’s Worst Presser

S4E05-1 God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings "Biden’s Worst Presser" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. This week on Something’s Happening Here, we’re back to our core mission: exploring the spiritual side of current events. And the current event of the moment ready to be explored spiritually is President Biden’s press conference on February 8, …

“The Holiday About Love” part 5 – Digital Love in the Digital Age

S4E04-5 The Holiday About Love Digital Love in the Digital Age" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Can computers feel eros? Or philia? Or agape? Can computers feel anything at all? (I’ll tell you ChatGPT’s answer to that on today’s show.) Well, it’s increasingly clear that humans can and do feel at least some of these …

“The Holiday About Love” part 3 – Is Erotic Love in the Bible?

S4E04-3 The Holiday About Love "Is Erotic Love in the Bible?" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. What a show title, right? “Is Erotic Love in the Bible?” For our Valentine’s Day show, we explore the titillating topic of Eros, the physical love between lovers. Spoiler alert: Yes, this type of love is present in the …

“The Holiday About Love” part 1 – Love Like Unto a Brother

S4E04-1 The Holiday About Love "Love Like Unto a Brother" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we’re talking about love! Since Valentine’s Day is this week, our focus all week long is about love, starting with Philia, brotherly love. English is a beautiful language, but in many ways also a lazy …

“Superman or Bizarro-man?” part 5 – Super Dating With A.I.

S4E03-5 Superman or Bizarro-man "Super Dating With A.I" from Talking Donkey on Vimeo. Recently I came across a report that ChatGPT has a store (didn’t know that) and that it is overrun with AI Girlfriends, despite OpenAI’s company policy against such things. I wrote to my producer and told him this is why, despite my …